

  • 公司名称上海简户仪器设备有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号JH
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  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 更新时间2020/6/21 14:37:12
  • 访问次数330
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上海简户仪器设备有限公司是一家高科技合资企业,专业生产销售盐雾箱、恒温恒湿机、冷热冲击机、振动试验机、机械冲击机、跌落试验机的环境试验仪器的公司,专业研发生产销售经营各类可靠性环境试验设备。经验丰富,并得到许多国内外厂商的信赖与支持。自公司成立以来,多次服务于国内外大学和研究所等检测机构,如清华大学、苏州大学、哈尔滨工业大学、北京工业大学、法国申美检测、中科院物理所、中科院,SGS等单位提供实施室方案和设备及其相关服务。努力开发半导体、光电、光通讯、航天太空、生物科技、食品、化工、制药等行业产品所需的测试设备装置。公司拥有一支专业的研发、生产和售後服務队伍,从产品的研发到售后服务,每一个环节都以客户的观点与需求作为思考的出发点。为适应市场快速变化及客户多样化的要求,上海简户仪器设备有限公司研发了性能与可靠性*JianHuTest产品系列.从精密零件到电脑资讯系统及有线无线通讯产业,均可提供高品质的设备与完善的售后服务。我司采用*的加工设备、*的工艺和严格的管理体系,加上雄厚的技术实力和良好的售后服务满足客户需求。近年来我公司将重点开拓大陆市场。公司拥有经过严格培训、经验丰富和技术*的工程技术人员,负责设备的生产和售后服务工作。我们并可为客户设计制作非标准产品,以利于客户选择。产品按GB、IEC、GJB、DIN等标准相对应的技术参数生产各类环境试验设备。公司秉持上海简户仪器设备有限公司一贯的专业精神和品质,恪守以质量为本、以服务为赢的理念,一如既往地为新老客户提供*的环境试验设备。本公司以*的产品,真诚为广大客户提供优质高效服务!Shanghai Jianhu InstrumentEquipment Co. ,Ltd is a high-tech joint venture enterprise, which specializes in the productionsale of salt spray box , constant temperaturehumidity machine, the hot-cold impact machine, vibration test machines, mechanical impact machinetest machine for environmental testing equipment ,specializes in the production, salemanagement of various types environment reliability test equipment. We own very rich experience ,win the trustsupport of many domesticforeign manufacturers.Since the establishment of the company, we have served the testing organizations that are many domesticinternational universitiesresearch institutes, such as Tsinghua University, Suzhou University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Bureau Veritas test serviceFrance,Institute of Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Coal Chemical of Chinese Academy of Sciencesso on, we provided lab schemes, lab equipmentsothers related services. Efforts to develop semiconductor, optoelectronics, optical telecommunications, aerospace space, biotechnology, food, chemical, pharmaceuticalother industry products for testing equipment installed. The company has a professional researchdevelopment, productionafter-sales service team, from product development to after-sales service, every link to each customer''s perspectiveneeds as the starting point of thinking.To meet the rapidly changing marketcustomer’s diversification requirements, the Shanghai Jianhu InstrumentEquipment Co., Ltd has outstanding performancereliability JianHu Test series. From the precision components to the computer information
换气老化试验箱 产品信息








内部尺寸:A450*450*450mm  B600*600*600mm  C750*750*750mm

外部尺寸:A1070*1440*690mm  B1220*1590*850mm  C1370*1740*990mm


Ventilators aging Shi Yanxiang

 云南省 昆明市  曲靖市  玉溪市  保山市  昭通市  丽江市  思茅市  临沧市  德宏傣族景颇族自治州  怒江傈僳族自治州(泸水县六库镇)  迪庆藏族自治州  大理白族自治州  楚雄彝族自治州  红河哈尼族彝族自治州  *壮族苗族自治州  西双版纳傣族自治州  

西藏自治区 拉萨市  那曲地区  昌都地区  林芝地区(林芝县八一镇)  山南地区  日喀则地区  阿里地区  




恒温恒湿试验箱   真空干燥箱      高低试验箱      步入式恒温恒湿室     恒温恒湿主机

蒸汽老化试验箱   冷热冲击箱      高温炉          精密高温箱           换气高温老化箱


盐水喷雾试验箱   滴水试验装置    黄变老化试验箱  换气老化试验箱        紫外老化试验箱

臭氧老化试验箱   氙灯老化试验箱  砂尘灰尘试验  淋雨试验箱            简户08年产品


桌上型拉力试验机 弹簧试验机      单柱*试验机   变频电子拉力试验机      双柱*电子试验机

液压拉力试验机   电子*试验机  拉力温湿度复合机 人造板*材料试验机    金属橡胶材料试验机


振动试验机       生化培养      模拟汽车运输台    药品稳定性试验箱          高频振动试验台

鼓风干燥箱       跌落试验机      厌氧培养箱       包装压缩试验机             恒温恒湿箱


阻燃烧试验机     熔融指数仪      电子防潮柜     落锤/落镖冲击试验机         电热恒温水(油)槽

简支梁冲击试验机 光源箱/对色箱   手机跌落试验机  氧氮空气弹试验机           耐磨擦试验机

手动/气动冲片机  手机翻盖试验机  落球冲击试验机  其他产品行业仪器

Product Categories(Jianhu Instrument Equiment co.,Ltd )

 TemperatureHumidity Environmental Testing Equipment Series , Thermal Shock Tester

 High-temperature furnace Precision high-temperature oven ,temperaturehumidity testing chamber

 Vacuum drying oven  Highlow temperature testing box

 Walk-in constant temperaturehumidity room , Constant temperaturehumidity host

 Steam aging testing box , rapid temperature test chamber

Climate-Resistant Type Series of Environmental Testing Equipment ,Xenon lamp aging testing,Sand dustashes test

Saline water spray testing box , Dripping water test device , Yellowing aging box

 Ventilators aging testing box  UV aging testing box , Ozone aging testing box

 Universal Material Testing Machine Series

 Desktop-type pull testing machine  Spring testing machine

 Single-column universal testing machine  Frequency electronic pull testing machine

 Double-column universal testing machine  Hydraulic pull testing machine

 Electronic universal testing machine  Pull temperature-humidity testing machine

 Man-made sheet material testing machine  Metal Rubber material testing machine

 Packaging Transportation / life science pharmaceutical Series

 Vibration test machines ,Biochemical mildew incubator  ,Simulation auto transport table , Drugs stability test box

 High-frequency vibration test table,  Blast drying oven ,Drop test machine , Anaerobic Incubator

 Packaging compression testing machine , Constant temperaturehumidity box

  Other Quality Testing Equipments

 Flame-retardant testing machine  Melt Index instrument ,Moisture-proof electronic counters 

Drop hammer / fat-impact testing machine .Electric heated constant temperature water (oil) slot

  Simple Beam impact testing machine ,Lamp-house box/ The color Light box , Phone test machine

 Oxygennitrogen air missile testing machine,  Wear-resistant wipe testing machine

 Manual (Pneumatic) crush slice machine  Clamshell phones testing machine

 Drop-ball impact testing machine  Other Products Industry Equipment

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