

  • 公司名称广东贝尔试验设备有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号BE-CS-90
  • 所  在  地
  • 厂商性质其他
  • 更新时间2023/1/21 11:03:50
  • 访问次数276

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广东贝尔试验设备有限公司成立于2005年,作为仪器设备领域的高科技公司,创业多年,集科、工、贸为一体,在香港设立贝尔实业(香港)有限公司,在中国大陆设立东莞市贝尔试验设备有限公司,并陆续在国内各大城市建立营销及售后服务网络。Bell Group, as the high-tech company in the field of instrument and equipment, was established in 2005, integrating science, industry and trade, with Bell Industry (HK) Co., Ltd established in Hong Kong, Dongguan Bell Experiment Equipment Co., Ltd & Dongguan Huanyu Testing Instrument Co., Ltd in Chinese mainland, as well as marketing and after service networks established in the big cities all over the country in succession.二.宗旨与导向 Mission and Direction:贝尔一贯以“科技保证质量,服务完善产品”为宗旨,以“****,销售**;以诚相待,共享双赢”为导向,具备完善的4S体系,销售Sale、零配件Spare part、售后服务Service、信息反馈Survey环环相扣。贝尔以其广泛深厚的国际关系、强大的营销和售后服务力量、雄厚的技术实力,为您提供理想的研究、生产技术环境,产品广泛应用于电子、半导体、医药、化工、化妆品、涂料、石油、食品等行业及高校、检验、商检、药检、军科院、中科院等科研机构。经过多年的经验积累,贝尔能够为您提供IT、半导体、医药、化工、食品等行业产品检测及品质管理的整体实验室解决方案和专业化服务。Bell always takes “ guarantee quality with science and technology, improve products with service” as the mission and “service first, sales second; be honest with each other, share the win-win result” as the direction, with complete 4S system (Sale, Spare parts, Service and Survey ). Bell can provides you with the ideal technological environment of research and production through its wide and deep international relationship, strong strength of marketing, after service and technology. The products are widely used in various industries such as electron, semi-conductor, medicine, chemical industry, cosmetics, coating, petroleum, food etc. as well as scientific research institutes such as university, inspection and quarantine bureau, commodity inspection, drug inspection, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Chinese Academic of Sciences etc.. Based on the rich experiences accumulated for many years, Bell is able to provide you with the complete lab solution and professional service for the product testing and quality management in such industries as IT, semi-conductor, medicine, chemical industry, food etc..三.经营理念 Operation Philosophy:今天的诚信,明天的市场,后天的利润。贝尔以客户为尊,以质量为本,为目标市场提供上等的服务,使客户得到*大的增值效益,与客户建立长久、互信、双赢的合作伙伴关系。 Good faith at present creates market and profit for the future. Focused on customers and based on quality, Bell provides the target market with the first-class service which brings the maximum value-added benefit to the customers, establishing the long-term, mutual-trust and win-win cooperative relationship with customers.四.服务理念 Service Philosophy:快捷、高效的服务为客户*解除后顾之忧。多年来,贝尔在做好自身产品及代理产品的售后及维修工作外,为满足客户的要求,不断地为客户解决其它进口品牌仪器的维修难题,在客户中树立了良好的形象。We resolve the actual difficulties for the customers by providing prompt and efficient service. Over the years, in order to meet the customers’ demand, Bell continuously resolves the repair difficulties in other imported brand instrument for the customers in addition to provision of after service and repairs for our own products and the distributed ones, building up a good image for the Company.五.生产和销售的产品主要有 Main Products Produced and Sold:环境试验设备:老化房,步入式恒温恒湿试验室,恒温恒湿箱,高低温试验箱,快速升降温试验箱,冷热冲击试验箱,盐雾试验机,智能型干燥试验箱,紫外线耐候试验箱等 Environmental testing machine: burn-in chamber, walk-in temperature & humidity testing chamber, temperature & humidity chamber, low/high temperature testing chamber, quick rise and drop of temperature testing chamber, cold & hot shock testing chamber, salt spay tester, intelligent dry testing chamber, UV weather-proof testing chamber etc.纸品检测设备:跌落试验机,电子破裂强度试验机,纸箱抗压试验机,环压/边压试验机,模拟汽车运输振动台,油墨脱色试验机,层间剥离强度试验机,材料试验机等 Paper product testing equipment: drop tester, electronic bursting strength testing machine, paper box compression-resistant testing machine, ring/side compression testing machine, transportation vibration tester, printing ink durability tester, layer peeling strength tester, universal material testing machine etc.手机/电池检测设备:电池冲击试验机,电池挤压试验机,电池针刺试验机,手机跌落试验机,电磁振动台,RCA纸带耐磨试验机,酒精耐磨试验机等 phone/battery testing equipment: battery impact testing machine, battery squeeze testing machine, battery acupuncture testing machine, phone drop testing machine, electromagnetic vibration tester, RCA tapes wear-resistant testing machine, alcohol wear-resistant testing machine etc.橡塑检测设备:熔体流动速率仪,无转子硫化仪等Rubber/plastics testing equipment: melt flow rate measurer, no-rotor vulkameter etc.六.产品应用领域 Application Areas of Products :产品广泛用于科研﹑航空﹑军事﹑电子﹑电工﹑玩具、纸品、五金、电池、邮电通信等各种行业。公司依托自身的人才、技术、资金优势,为科研、电工、电子、军事、航空、船舶、邮电通信、汽车、摩托车等企事业单位提供符合GB、GJB、IEC、MIL、DIN等标准的各类环境试验设备和力学试验设备。Products are widely used in various industries such as scientific research, aviation, electron, electrical engineering, toys, paper products, hardware, battery, post and communication etc.. The Company, based on its own advantage of talent, technology and funds, provides the enterprises and institutes , such as scientific research, electrical engineering, electron, military, aviation, vessel, post and communication, auto, motorcycle etc., with all kinds of environmental and mechanical testing equipments conforming to such standards as GB, GJB, IEC, MIL, DIN etc..
智能盐雾试验箱 产品信息







4.温度控制器使用数字显示,PID控制误差±01. ℃;





三、智能型盐雾机使用标准:CNS 4159 JISD-0201 H-8502 H-8610 K-5400 Z-2371

ISO 3770 ASTM B-117 B-268 GB-T2423 GJB 150


4.1 型号:BE-CS-60/90/120/160/200

4.2 工作室尺寸:60(600*400*450mm);90(900*600*500mm);120(1200*850*500mm);160(1600*1000*850mm);200(2000*1200*1000mm)

4.3 使用电源:AC 1ф 3W 220V或AC 3ф 5W 380V

4.4 箱体材料:

a. 试验机箱体采用浅灰色PVC板,厚度5mm,耐用温度在85℃。(中国台湾南亚牌)


b. 试验室盖密封采用透明压克力耐冲击板,厚度5mm。边缘内外双层加厚,防止因长期高温产生扭曲变形。厚度10mm。

c. 隐藏一体式试药补充瓶,清洗容易,操作方便。

d. 压力空气桶采用SUS#304不锈钢耐高压桶保温效果*佳.

e. 试验样品架采用平面分度式,可任意调整角度,四面落雾均匀,受雾一致,测试结果准确,试验样品放置数量多。

4.5盐水喷雾试验;NSS 、 ACSS



4.6 耐腐蚀试验:CASS

试验室: 50℃±1℃。


4.7空气供应系统:空气压力为1Kg/cm2分两段调整。一段为大略调整2Kg/cm2,采用进口空气过滤器,附有排水功能。二段为精密调整1Kg/cm2,1/4 压力表, 显示精密准确。

4.8 喷雾方式:

a. 伯努特原理吸取盐水而后雾化,雾化程度均匀,*阻塞结晶之现象,可确保测试连续进行.

b. 喷嘴采用钢化玻璃制成,可调整喷雾量大小及喷出角度。

c. 喷雾量1~2ml/h可调(ml/80cm2/h标准要求测试16小时求平均量)。计量筒采用内嵌式安装,外形美观整齐,操作观察方便,减少仪器安装空间。

4.9 加热系统:采用直接加热方式,升温速度快减少待机时间,当温度到达时,自动切换恒温状态,温度**,耗电量少。纯钛制发热管,耐酸碱腐蚀、超长使用寿命。

4.10 控制系统:

a. 采用6.5寸液晶触摸智能控制屏,温度、时间、警报、除雾、喷雾、键盘锁等功能一体控制,具有动态显示功能。

b. 试验室加热槽采用液体膨胀安全温度控制器0~120℃(意大利EGO)。采用自动、手动两种加水系统,自动或手动补充压力桶、试验室水位,防止缺水超高温损伤仪器。

4.10 除雾系统:停机时**试验箱内盐雾,防止腐蚀气体流出损伤试验室其它精密仪器。

4.10 安全保护装置:

a. 低水位时,自动切断电源,安全警示灯装置动态显示。

b. 超温时,自动切断加热器电源,安全警示灯装置动态显示。

c. 试药(盐水)水位低时,安全警示灯装置动态显示。

e. 漏电保护功能,防止因线路漏电或短路引起的人身伤害及仪器故障。 

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