
东芝-220T 二手注塑机伺服塑機 伺服节能注塑机

  • 公司名称上海大锦机械有限公司
  • 品       牌
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  • 厂商性质
  • 更新时间2019/3/16 9:48:09
  • 访问次数174

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产品名称:东芝-220T 二手注塑机伺服塑機 伺服节能注塑机 产品品牌: 报价:
东芝-220T 二手注塑机伺服塑機 伺服节能注塑机 产品信息
上海大锦机械有限公司是日本STAR SEIKI在中国的代理经销SHANGHAI DAJIN MACHINARY CO., LTD. is a selling agent of STAR SEIKI in China.商,同时我们也是日本FANUC公司的经销配套厂商。.我司主要经营Meanwhile we are also a selling matched manufacturer of Japanese FANUC Company. We mainly sell销售各种型号的ROBOT主机以及自动化周边设备。产品主要活跃于main machines of all types of robots and automation ancillary equipments.Our products are mainlyFA系统这一领域中(Factory Automation system:工厂自动化系统)actively used in FA system field.(FA system: Factory Automation system)我们开发令客户满意的产品,提供可以更加安全更加降低劳动强We develop desirable products and supply those which are safer, being able to reducemore度,更加节约人力资源的产品。我们一直在大幅度创新夹具和治具的设labor intensity and saving more labor resources.We are always substantially innovating the design and计制作,从而对应客户疑问。同时我们也在不断的开发新产品,已达到production of tongs and toolsto match with questions from customers.And new products are always developed,  模组化、集成化、轻量化。which have already been modularity, integrated and light weight.夹具是机器人和生产机械紧密相联非常重要的部分。为满足客户的Tongs are the important closely linked part between robots and machines. To satisfy customers,需求,我们不仅是在至今的抓取、吸着、剪切方面设计制作,而且现在we not only have been designing and manufacturing on snatching, sorption and cutting , but also have我们已着手开发今后的夹具和机械全自动化式工作。次世代的夹具技术started developing future tongs and full automation work. The technique of secondary generations’是专业的夹具与机器人紧密相连非常重要的部分,它轻巧、价廉、拥有tongs is important for linking closely between professional tongs and robots.It is light, inexpensive高机能,其中以夹具设计的3D化和夹具机器的技术革新为新技术。and with high energy. Designing through 3D and innovation of special machine with tongs are both new techniques.我们面向发展在各地区积极建立服务,及时、专业、专注、诚Facing the development we has actively built service network station and technical groupswhich are in time,信、高效的技术团队。解决客户在生产中碰到的各种问题满足客户的生profession, being dedicated, good faith and high efficiency in each region.We solve all kinds of problems during产要求,做到安全、稳定、节约、环保、高效。在中国地区我们对所有production and satisfy customers’ production requirements with security, stable, saving, environment protect and high的客户做出8-24小时的服务响应承诺。efficiency. In China area we promise 8-24 hours reply service.
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