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Refactor!™ Pro
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访问次数:194更新时间:2021-09-19 10:26:32



Refactor! Pro 产品编号:151214 当前版本:v3.0 开 发 商:Developer Express 产品类型:插件 产品功能:代码分析 开发......
  • Refactor!™ Pro is the defacto standard refactoring toolset for Visual Studio. It fuses a language-independent state-of-the-art code shaping engine with a revolutionary and highly-optimized user experience. Unlike other refactoring solutions that target the system architect, Refactor! is designed to help all developers craft and sculpt their code with the speed and efficiency needed to meet their line of business demands.



    特征综述 About Feature


      Refactor!™ Pro is the defacto standard refactoring toolset for Visual Studio. It fuses a language-independent state-of-the-art code shaping engine with a revolutionary and highly-optimized user experience. Unlike other refactoring solutions that target the system architect, Refactor! is designed to help all developers craft and sculpt their code with the speed and efficiency needed to meet their line of business demands.

    • Ease of Use
      Never before has a developer tool been so easy to use. You don't have to be an architect or designer to reap the benefits from using Refactor! Pro™. Tasks you do all the time are suddenly much easier with Refactor!. Simply highlight the code you want to change — smart tags show what's available. Select the desired code change operation from the menu. Preview hinting marks up the code and shows the impact of the change before you commit.
    • Amazing Productivity Boost
      Declaring constants, renaming variables, simplifying complex code — these are the things developers do all the time to improve readability and the quality of the source code. Refactor! makes all this just a single keystroke away. Do the things you always do, now with greater speed, accuracy and efficiency!
    • Industry-grade Quality
      At Developer Express, we're serious about quality. That's why Refactor! Pro is backed by 18,000+ test cases and a hardworking staff of developers and test case writers committed to continually exceeding your expectations.
    • Immediate Return on Investment
      Refactor! Pro has everything developers need to become productive within minutes of installing. Most developers will experience a return on investment in the first day of use. If you write or maintain code for a living, you owe it to yourself to add Refactor! to your toolset.
    • Undisputed Refactoring Leader
      With more than 150 refactorings, Refactor! Pro has more refactorings than any other tool for any platform. And best of all, it's from a company you can trust: Developer Express, the leading component, framework, and tool vendor for .NET.

    Included Refactorings

    • Add AssociatedControlID Attribute
    • Add Block Delimiters
    • Add End Tag
    • Add Parameter
    • Add RunAt Attribute
    • Add to Interface
    • Add Validator
    • Boolean to Enum
    • Break Apart Arguments
    • Break Apart Parameters
    • Case to Conditional
    • Change Tag
    • Collapse Accessors
    • Combine Conditionals
    • Compress to Lambda Expression
    • Compress to Null Coalescing Operation
    • Compress to Ternary Expression
    • Conditional to Case
    • Consolidate Using Statements
    • Convert to Auto-implemented Property
    • Convert to Auto-implemented Property (convert all)
    • Convert to Built-in Type
    • Convert to Create & Set
    • Convert to HEX
    • Convert to Initializer
    • Convert to IsNothing
    • Convert to Named Color
    • Convert to Pixels
    • Convert to Points
    • Convert to RGB
    • Convert to Skin
    • Convert to System Type
    • Create Backing Store
    • Create Method Contract
    • Create Method Stub
    • Create Multi-variable Declaration
    • Create Overload
    • Create Setter Method
    • Create With Statement
    • Decompose Parameter
    • Encapsulate Downcast
    • Encapsulate Field
    • Expand Accessors
    • Expand Lambda Expression
    • Expand Null Coalescing Operation
    • Expand Ternary Expression
    • Extract ContentPlaceHolder
    • Extract ContentPlaceHolder (Create Master)
    • Extract Function (outside of class)
    • Extract Interface
    • Extract Method
    • Extract Property
    • Extract Script
    • Extract String to Resource
    • Extract Style (Class)
    • Extract Style (id)
    • Extract to User Control
    • Extract to XAML Resource
    • Extract to XAML Resource (replace all)
    • Extract XML Literal to Resource
    • Flatten Conditional
    • For to ForEach
    • ForEach to For
    • Inline Alias
    • Inline Constant
    • Inline Delegate
    • Inline Format Item
    • Inline Macro
    • Inline Recent Assignment
    • Inline Result
    • Inline Temp
    • Inline With Statement
    • Introduce Alias
    • Introduce Alias (replace all)
    • Introduce Constant
    • Introduce ForEach Action
    • Introduce Format Item
    • Introduce Local
    • Introduce Local (replace all)
    • Introduce Parameter Object
    • Introduce Result Variable
    • Introduce Setter Guard Clause
    • Introduce Using Statement
    • Line-up Arguments
    • Line-up Parameters
    • Lock to Try/Finally
    • Make Explicit
    • Make Explicit (and Name Anonymous Type)
    • Make Id Unique
    • Make Implicit
    • Make Method Static
    • Merge Styles
    • Method to Property
    • Move Declaration Near Reference
    • Move Initialization to Declaration
    • Move Method to Header
    • Move Method to Source File
    • Move Style Attributes to CSS
    • Move Style Attributes to External CSS
    • Move Style Attributes to Theme
    • Move Style Attributes to Theme (use SkinId)
    • Move to Code-behind
    • Move Type to File
    • Move Type to Namespace
    • Name Anonymous Method
    • Name Anonymous Type
    • Optimize Namespace References
    • Promote to Parameter
    • Property to Method
    • Reduce Visibility
    • Remove Assignments to Parameters
    • Remove Attribute
    • Remove Block Delimiters
    • Remove Empty Handler
    • Remove End Tag
    • Remove Parameter
    • Remove Private Setter
    • Remove Redundant Assignment
    • Remove Redundant Conditional
    • Remove Setter Guard Clause
    • Remove Tag
    • Remove Type Qualifier
    • Remove Type Qualifier (replace all)
    • Rename
    • Rename File to Match Type
    • Rename Type to Match File
    • Reorder Attributes
    • Reorder Parameters
    • Replace Temp with Query
    • Replace with Alias
    • Replace with Constant
    • Replace with Local
    • Replace with XAML Resource
    • Reverse Conditional
    • Safe Rename
    • Set CssClass
    • Simplify Expression
    • Split Conditional
    • Split Initialization from Declaration
    • Split Multi-variable Declaration
    • Split Style
    • Split Temporary Variable
    • Split With Statement
    • Surround with Tag
    • Surround with Update Panel
    • Toggle ViewState
    • Use Const (C++ only)
    • Use IsNullOrEmpty
    • Use String.Compare
    • Use String.Format
    • Use StringBuilder
    • Use typedef (C++ only)
    • Using to Try/Finally
    • Widen Scope (promote constant)
    • Widen Scope (promote to field)













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