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托尔3D套件 产品信息


Thor3D Suite

Thor3D Suite is a combination of two software programs:

one that is “embedded” (preinstalled on your Thor3D

and Drake 3D scanners) and one that is meant for your

desktop or laptop computer.

A simple, yet powerful program inside your scanner


Since both the Thor3D scanner and the Drake 3D scanner are wireless, an

embedded software programis pre-installed on the internal c This software

launches when you start your scanner and facilitates the acquisition of 3D

data. Using the build-in touch screen, control the scanner with the help

of this straightforward program. The interface is simple to use and unders

tand. It has several buttons (such as “Start”, “Stop”, “Power Off”)

and a few settings for the adventurous users (such as “Sensitivity” para

meters to help when scanning in bright lighting conditions).omputer of the


The embedded software program allows the

user to perform several important functions:





Once scanning is done, transfer the data via WIFI or USB flash drive to your

computer to finalize the model and export it. At Thor3D, we developed this

software keeping in mind both experienced and novice users and that is

why there are two modes in the program: Simple and Advanced.

Simple Mode

The Simple mode has exactly four buttons (Open, Start, Save, and Settings).

Use this mode if you plan to scan the same type of objects all the time

(let’s say you only scan humans on a turntable for 3D printing). Configure

the settings once and press “Start” each time you import a model from the

Thor3D scanner or Drake. All post-processing is done automatically and you

will see the data on the screen turn from raw data to a finalized, simplified,

water-tight, colored 3D model ready for printing (no noise, no floor, no holes,

with a base under the feet)!

Advanced Mode

The Advanced Mode is where all the powerful editing tools can be found. Here you can:

- Simplify the model

- Align several scans into one

- Lighten or darken texture

- Get rid of noise and cut out unwanted bits of geometry

- Create a watertight mesh

- Work on each frame individually or a group of frames at the same time

- Split the project into two or rename the project

- Using sophisticated algorithms fill holes neatly even on complicated geometry

- Smooth geometry over the whole model or in one particular spot

- Adjust sharpness of finalized model

- Automatically remove markers from the scan

- Export into one of four industry-standard formats (obj, stl, ply, wrml)

The desktop software is an all-in-one solution that is perpetually updated by our team of software developers. It has been translated into

six languages (English, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, and Korean) and we are constantly adding more translations. The program

can be used as a viewer to open and edit models that were made using other 3D scanners or CAD software and the simple user interface

should make it easy not only for an expert but a beginner as well.


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