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temp Burn-in Room,Aging Room

  • 公司名称创杰仪器科技(深圳)有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号agingroom/
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  • 厂商性质其他
  • 更新时间2022/8/19 17:16:32
  • 访问次数333

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创杰仪器科技(深圳)有限公司位于广东省深圳市宝安区,创杰仪器是-家*经营高低温试验箱、冷热冲击试验机、恒温恒湿试验箱、温度冲击试验箱、无尘/无氧化烘箱、烤箱、仪器仪表及其配件、机电设备、五金配件.老化房、环境试验设备的研发、生产、加工、销售、出租、提供上门维修服务、拆装服务.二手买卖。创杰仪器科技位于光明新区公明街道,有着丰富的环境仪器设备生产、维修、研发经验,拥有*人才数名及各种数控加工设备,有着完善的品质自控能力。目前经营有全新老化房、全新试验箱、二 手试验箱、试验箱出租、试验箱维修.试验箱配件且对外钣金加工。所有二手试验箱及出租的试验箱均包安装、调试、培训、保修等服务。科技日新月异,旨在满足不同需求的客户,以雄厚的技术及热情周到的服务为基础,诚信经营。
temp Burn-in Room,Aging Room
temp Burn-in Room,Aging Room 产品信息
Product name: aging room/temperature ageing room/computer/high temperature burning aging room/aging laboratory/power ageing /walk-in chamber /hi&low temp Laboratory
Model: CHGE - ORT series
Aging room
Aging, and burn room, is aimed at performance electronic products (such as: computer, monitor, terminals, the auto electronic products, power supply, switching mainframe, monitors, chargers) a high temperature, the simulation test equipment, the bad environment is to improve the stability and reliability of the product, is the important experiment equipment manufacturing enterprises to improve product quality and competitive important production process, the equipment is widely used in power electronics, computer, communication, biological pharmacy, etc.
The equipment adopts steel frame structure double insulation board, library according to the different requirements of the electricity system, the configuration of ontology system, the control system, heating system, the temperature control system, into the exhaust system, temperature, time control system, system test loads, through the test procedures can be neither a bad product or bad thing is to identify problems quickly, provide effective methods to solve the problem, and enhance customer production efficiency and product quality.
Because of aging properties and room environment must ensure products need power quality, temperature, reaction time and work, the safety of operators and habits etc, so, a set of equipment, qualified aging is a safe, reliable, efficient and energy-saving, function complete with extensibility equipment.

The design principles
Aging is a professional equipment, in the capacity of the design and specifications of the products must meet the demand, must also ensure the stability of the work itself, so it must be high quality, safe and reliable, facing the future market demand for the development of fast growth, it should be flexible and open, have certain expansibility. When designing the following design rules:
Practicality, stability and advanced:
Using advanced and mature technology and equipment, and satisfy the current needs, both the product demand, USES the most stable, as the most useful components and materials.
2 safety, reliability:
The aging process by double alarm system (abnormal sound, light), full protection products and the surrounding environment equipment safety.
Flexibility and expansibility:
Customer specific requirements, the proposed design must satisfy. For future product demand, must provide certain space. So the aging room must have good flexibility and expansibility. Support multiple models, and provide technical upgrade aging, equipment updating flexibility.
4 standardization:
In aging system structure, principle and design based on the related standard involved, including domain ontology, power electrical standard specification change lay solid foundation.
5 the staging of engineering:
In the aging, whole room in project design engineering and equipment for modular structure, equivalent to the project installment, the project can cause no repetition, seamless and construction waste.
6 economy and investment protection:
With high performance to price, make capital construction aging output reach maximum input. To lower the cost of maintenance personnel, less input. System, To load, the ring to product requirements. Luckily To improve efficiency and benefit. As far as possible and extending the application equipment, make full use of capital and technology in the input.
7. Manageability:
Due to the complexity of aging has room to room, with products to improve the aging, management tasks must increasingly heavier. So, in the design process, must consider the managerial, such as: after a single load can be dismantled, load of power system controllability, scalability, control system integration, to implement the administration of aging humanized design.

USES: widely used in aerospace, ship, weapons, photoelectric display technology, power, microelectronics, communication, petrochemical, institutions of higher learning and scientific research units, etc.
Please contact: Mr Liu-TEL:
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