

  • 公司名称深圳市鸿永精仪科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号LA-960
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  • 厂商性质其他
  • 更新时间2022/10/16 11:06:44
  • 访问次数220

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深圳市鸿永精仪科技有限公司是国内的实验室器材,用品用具,一站式解决方案规划设计实施的服务型平台企业。公司成立于2016年,由国内相关行业负责人和高级工程师组成,相关人员从业时间均高于八年。公司能够有效为客户提供各种实验室构建,仪器设备选配,实验室规章协助,CNAS认可协助等、立体化的创新性服务平台企业。  公司现有四大核心事业部:工厂级实验室构建、科教研单位实验室托管、仪器设备周边配套及耗材试剂、仪器设备前后端特种线缆销售。  工厂级实验室构建:助力制造行业,全方面提升企业产品品质,控制质量风险,提高品牌竞争力;包含质量中心构建,仪器设备选配,整体科学实验室设计实施等服务。  科教研单位实验室托管:助力科教研单位,全方面升级管理实验室,降低实验室运营成本,提高实验室运营效率,整合实验室产能,做大资源优化及协调;包含实验室包年服务,售后整包,实验室产能外包等核心服务。  仪器设备周边配套及耗材试剂:助力所有实验室企事业单位用户,提供高效快捷的耗品耗材,前处理设备仪器采购服务,公司服务工程师可根据客户现有设备仪器提供更加符合型的耗材试剂品牌产品,降低用户采购周期和选择性失误的影响。  仪器设备前后端特种线缆销售:配套厂家着重研发,快速有效,助力轨道交通新标准、新高度;合作轨道交通用户,提供高标准、高质量、长期效的线缆产品,能有效应用到复杂的各种环境中。  深圳市鸿永精仪科技有限公司始终秉承立足客户之所需,解决客户之所急,提供全面优质完善的解决方案和建议。    公司理念:鸿图远志 永续创新  服务理念:诚于品   信于德     立于行
Horiba激光粒度仪 产品信息


The most high-end class accurate and reliable laser diffraction particle sizing instrument HORIBA Partica LA-950V2 has been upgraded to the LA-960. HORIBA particle sizing instrument recognized as its strong point of submicron range measurement capability and the new model includes these advantages with some new features. HORIBA’s experience in the use of data algorithms has evolved to meet the expectations of the customer demanding the highest accuracy and resolution.


  • Latest Technology and Highest Performance

    The dynamic wide measurement range; 0.01- 5000 microns (up to 3000 microns for wet method)

    The LA-960 incorporates the previous strengths over a broader range of sizes. 3 dimensional data simulation which generates scattered light patterns for HORIBA original optical layout are used for the calculation.

    The results can be compared with the theoretical results including all the optical component parameter effects. The comparison allows for the selection of the best approach of the size and distributions. Certified samples as small as 20 nm can be handled by the new algorithms.

  • Performance Guaranty

    • Guaranteed high data accuracy of ±0.6%

    • ISO13320 compliance

    • Traceability support

    As well as the data accuracy and reproducibility assurances, the instrument-to-instrument are confirmed with standards for each analyzer. The testing material is poly-dispersed standard of glass beads with over one decade of distribution.

  • World wide user accepted quality
    HORIBA has focused on the product quality of the most essential key part of the instrument; the light source and detector alignment. The circulation system efficiency, speedy operation and easy maintenance are based on the requirements from the various users of high-tech research laboratories and quality controlling managements. We also offer some different maintenance support programs after the sale depending on the user’s intended use, analysis circumstance and operational frequency.

  • Optical Component & Sample Preparationn System
    The optical component and sample preparation system (Circulation system) unified model that enables smooth and productive analysis operations.

  • Evolutionary Advance of the LA Series Software

    • All at a glance GUI design! Easy and functional screen layout
      Method expert function generates appropriate measurement conditions and reviews each analysis.  Flexible automatic measurement design and settings enable user friendly operations.

    • Data correlation software available; LA-920, LA-950 and LA-950V2

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