
9150X 高分辨率单色仪 - 1.5m 单阶光栅光谱仪

  • 公司名称莱比信中国
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  • 更新时间2022/11/6 10:34:19
  • 访问次数221

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德国莱比信集团成立于2006年,总部位于德国,是一家以市场拓展服务为主营业务的国际化集团。专注于生物、制药、医疗、材料和环境等领 域,为这些领域中的众多上等欧美仪器供应商提供专业的咨询、采购、物流、分销等一体化服务.业务范围覆盖欧洲、北美和亚太等地域。其亚太区的 业务由莱比信中国(LABSUN CHINA)公司全权负责。莱比信中国总部位于上海,在北京分公司。**服务于亚洲市场的各大院校、科研院所、政府机构、医院、制药、化工、电子、汽车、石油、食 品和环保等行业客户。近年来,莱比信中国通过不断优化整合多年的上等客户及供应商资源,尤其在生命科学、材料科学和医疗健康三个领域成功地进行了产品线的 深层拓展,为中国市场的客户带来了更多和更专业的配套解决方案。通过升级专业技术团队,*提升了优异产品线配套的售前及售后的技术力量。莱比信中国秉承“值得信赖的欧美仪器专业供应商”这一公司愿景,凭借追布国内的营销服务网络和专业的技术团队,以上等的产品、完备的 解决方案和周到的服务响应客户需求,始终坚持为广大客户创造**价值。
9150X 高分辨率单色仪 - 1.5m 单阶光栅光谱仪
9150X 高分辨率单色仪 - 1.5m 单阶光栅光谱仪 产品信息

(9150X) 1.5m Single Echelle Spectrometer



本光谱仪采用两个光栅, 二个1.5F. L.抛物面反射器和一个校正器透镜,产生交叉分散分级光栅图(echellegram),

记录器为3K X3K冷却CCD照相机(12U像素),分散1 pm/pixel


This is an Echelle Spectrometer designed for diffraction limit operation, that provides a full spectrum coverage without gaps over a tunable 150nm range at a resolution of ~2pm in single pass mode. The spectrometer uses two gratings, two 1.5m f.l. parabolic reflectors and a corrector lens to produce a cross-dispersed echellegram that is recorded on a 3k x 3k cooled CCD camera with 12u pixels, at a dispersion of 1 pm/pixel. The long, thin echellegram is fit to the square CCD format using a 3 section image slicer, to maximize wavelength coverage and resolution.

Input optics include a micrometer adjustable rectangular input slit and a computer controlled source selector that can switch between four available input ports, useful in calibration.
Operational specifications are (for 31.5 l/mm 150x50 mm echelle, single pass)
* Dispersion: 1pm/pixel; (diffraction limit = 1pm)
* Wavelength coverage: 150nm band, position continuously selectable.
No gap coverage up to 800nm. Camera coverage 300nm-900nm.
* Aperture f/25.
* Input slit: rectangular, continuously adjustable 0-500um.
* Source selector to switch between four inputs.
* Calibration facilities for wavelength and intensity.
* Software to transfer raw images to permanent storage at the maximum possible rate, to transform and store as spectra corrected for wavelength & intensity.

Please note that for full frame digitization at 12 bits the transfer rate is 10seconds per frame. Smaller frame sections can be transferred at correspondingly faster rates.

关键词:光谱仪 CCD
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