

  • 公司名称上海荣计达仪器科技有限公司
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  • 型       号DSR-1
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  • 更新时间2022/11/12 11:06:28
  • 访问次数115

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上海荣计达仪器科技有限公司注册地址位于上海市奉贤区肖塘路255弄10号2层,注册机关为奉贤区市场监督管理局,法人代表为王秀锋,经营范围包括从事仪器科技领域内的技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务、技术转让,仪器仪表制造、加工(以上限分支机构经营),仪器仪表、实验室设备、五金交电、机电设备、机械设备、模具的批发、零售,机械设备(除特种设备)、实验室设备、机电设备的安装、维修。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】
按AASHTO MP1方法试验时,沥青试样在规定温度下夹在圆形平行板中,通过作用已知扭矩来测量试样的复数剪切模量和相位角。使用相应的软件可进行两种模式试验:即应变控制(测量其应力)和应力控制(测量其应变)
DSR-1动态剪切流变仪 产品信息


动态剪切流变仪DSR-1用来测量沥青胶结料高温时的流变性质(复数剪切模量,相位角等)。SHRP动态剪切流变仪(DSR)是测定老化或未老化沥青,(改性或未改性沥青)5-85℃温度范围内线粘弹性性质的仪器。按AASHTO MP1方法试验时,沥青试样在规定温度下夹在圆形平行板中,通过作用已知扭矩来测量试样的复数剪切模量和相位角。使用相应的软件可进行两种模式试验:即应变控制(测量其应力)和应力控制(测量其应变);可进行AASHTO PP6温度扫描试验。使用相应的软件可进行频率扫描试验,通用的系统可进行非SHRP试验,用于研究目的。

I. Overview:

The dynamic shear rheometer DSR-1 is used to measure the rheological properties (complex shear modulus, phase angle, etc.) of asphalt binders at high temperatures. The SHRP Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) is an essential instrument for measuring the linear viscoelastic properties of aged or unaged asphalt (modified or unmodified asphalt) in the temperature range of 5-85°C. When testing according to the AASHTO MP1 method, the asphalt sample is clamped in a circular parallel plate at a specified temperature, and the complex shear modulus and phase angle of the sample are measured by applying a known torque. Two mode tests can be carried out using the corresponding software: strain control (measure the stress) and stress control (measure the strain); AASHTO PP6 temperature scanning test can be carried out. The corresponding software can be used for frequency sweep test, and the general system can be used for non-SHRP test for research purposes.


DHR系列流变仪提供一个传统的沥青浸没式单元和干式沥青温控附件。两个温控系统都符合SHRP、ASTM和AASHTO规范要求,包含8mm和25mm平行板、样品模具。干式沥青系统将优异的上加热板系统(UHP)和的台阶式Peltier板结合。自动零热流校准确保温度梯度小于+/- 0.1℃。此干式沥青系统具有全新设计的智能温度控制(ATC),使得此干式沥青系统成为*能够同时直接控制上下夹具温度的台阶式Peltier系统。灵活的冷却方式包括外接循环器或新型涡流冷却。

2. Dry asphalt test system:

The DHR series rheometer provides a traditional asphalt immersion unit and dry asphalt temperature control accessories. Both temperature control systems meet the requirements of SHRP, ASTM and AASHTO specifications, including 8mm and 25mm parallel plates and sample molds. The dry asphalt system perfectly combines the excellent upper heating plate system (UHP) and the unique stepped Peltier plate. Automatic zero heat flow calibration ensures that the temperature gradient is less than +/- 0.1°C. This dry asphalt system has a newly designed intelligent temperature control (ATC), making this dry asphalt system a stepped Peltier system that can directly control the temperature of the upper and lower fixtures at the same time. Flexible cooling methods include external circulators or new vortex cooling.


■DHR(Discovery Hybrid Rheometer)系列旋转流变仪;





■大扭矩:150 mN.m;

■扭矩解析度:0.1 nN.m;








■大的法向力: 50N;

■法向力灵敏度: 0.01N;



Three, technical specifications:

■DHR (Discovery Hybrid Rheometer) series of high-end rotary rheometers;

■Bearing: porous carbon magnetic thrust bearing;

■Motor design: drag cup motor;

■Small oscillation torque: 10nN.m;

■Small steady state shear torque: 20nN.m;

■High torque: 150 mN.m;

■Torque resolution: 0.1 nN.m;

■Frequency range: 1.0E-07~100Hz;

■Angular velocity range: 0~300rad/s;

■Displacement sensor: optical encoder;

■Displacement resolution: 10nrad;

■Strain switching time: 15ms;

■Speed switching time: 5ms;

■Normal force sensor: FRT;

■Large normal force: 50N;

■Normal force sensitivity: 0.01N;

■Normal force resolution: 1mN;

■Peltier board: -40~200℃;




■温度控制采用Smart Swap技术;

■可根据AASHTO PP 6方法对铺路沥青进行分级;

■可根据AASHTO MP 1方法测试验证铺路沥青的使用行为特性;








4. Recommended configuration for asphalt testing:

■DHR series rheometer host, magnetic bearing, automatic spacing control;

■Dry asphalt test system (wet asphalt test system is also optional);

■Temperature control adopts Smart Swap technology;

■The paving asphalt can be classified according to the AASHTO PP 6 method;

■It can be tested and verified according to the AASHTO MP 1 method to verify the use behavior characteristics of paving asphalt;

■Other performance studies can be carried out on paving asphalt;

■It is equipped with English guide software for asphalt test conducted by SHRP standard.

■Optional configuration:

■DHR series HR-2 and HR-3 higher models

■ DMA dynamic mechanical performance test fixture;

■Electric heating and ETC heating furnace, a wider range of temperature control units;

■Other materials test fixture.

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