
GelDoc EZ成像系统

  • 公司名称沈阳百瑞德进出口贸易有限公司
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  • 所  在  地沈阳市
  • 厂商性质其他
  • 更新时间2022/12/17 12:37:34
  • 访问次数176

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是一家专注于生命科学领域的科研仪器、试剂耗材供应商。公司立足于沈阳,业务范围辐射东北三省——辽宁、吉林、黑龙江,在长春、哈尔滨、大连等主要城市设有办事机构,经营产品涵盖了分子,细胞,免疫等多个研究及应用领域。公司具有完善的服务体系,包括产品销售、技术推广、售后服务、生物媒体等,旨在为我们的广大客户提供更多优秀的产品和的服务! 我们的宗旨是“我们的服务成就您的梦想,Service & Dream”,让专业为专家服务,将的技术方法推荐给广大科研工作者。公司主营美国伯乐生(BIO-RAD)命科学产品,是美国伯乐公司产品东北三省的总代理商,为所销售的全线产品提供全面服务,产品包括:电泳产品、成像系统、PCR、荧光定量PCR、层析系统、电穿孔系统、双向电泳系统、微滴式数字PCR、流式细胞仪、蛋白质相互作用、悬液芯片等。同时,我司产品线包括Denovix超微量分光光度计、Phase 激光全息细胞成像系统、Nanolive活细胞断层扫描3D显微镜等。所代理的产品类别覆盖了生命科学、农业及环境科学和临床研究领域所需的各种产品。
GelDoc EZ成像系统 产品信息

The Gel Doc EZ System is a compact and automated gel imaging instrument designed to yield publication-quality images and analyzed results with just the push of a button. The Gel Doc EZ System provides unparalleled flexibility with the use of four application-specific trays: 

·UV tray for ethidium bromide staining of DNA gels and fluorescence imaging

·White tray for Coomassie, copper, silver, and zinc stains

·Blue tray for nucleic acid applications with SYBR® stains

Features and Benefits of the Gel Doc EZ system

·Easy to use — researchers unfamiliar with the Gel Doc EZ imaging system can learn to use it quickly and easily because there is no need for manual control of filters, lens, or lights. Create a default protocol once, then use the green button on the front of the instrument to use these gel imaging and analysis settings time and again

·Publication-quality images and full data analysis — get clean and smooth publication-ready images with decreased pixelation when images are cropped or zoomed. Get analyzed results including relative molecular weights, bands quantitation, Excel reports, PDFs, and more in a matter of minutes

·Time and space savings — obtain results faster without spending time on various steps in image acquisition and save valuable bench space using this compact system

·Modular design and flexible options — use specific trays for different gel imaging applications. Clearly defined and color-coded trays eliminate confusion. Purchase only what you need and upgrade as your research needs change

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