

  • 公司名称广州埃尼柏换热设备有限公司
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  • 更新时间2023/6/25 11:31:17
  • 访问次数88

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广州埃尼柏换热设备有限公司 (Enib Company,简称ENIB) 是一家专业从事换热设备设计、制造、销售、服务的生产制造型厂家,埃尼柏(ENIB)品牌诞生于2005年。ENIB生产并销售如下主要产品: 板式换热器(含钎焊式、可拆卸式、螺旋式、全焊式、半焊式、不锈钢式)、管式换热器、铝制板翅式换热器、空气散热器、增压空气冷却器、不锈钢板式换热器等热交换器。我公司产品有八大类共十二个系列七十多个规格品种。产品能满足常态下液-液及高温、高压、腐蚀性气体和液体介质的换热要求。公司在2005年10月通过了质量管理体系GB/T19001~2000 认证;板式换热器的胶垫在2010年1月通过了国家包装产品质量监督检验中心(广州)的测试要求,测试结果满足GB4806.1-1994<<食品用橡胶制品卫生要求>>标准要求。公司主要业务涉及换热设备在电力、机械、冶金、石化、食品、制药、空调、船舶及造纸等各个领域的运用,同时可以提供各行业各种品牌热交换器的零配件供应、并承接整机维护交钥匙工程。广州埃尼柏公司自主开发设计的沼气气体预处理集装系统,该预处理集装系统的处理能力:650Nm3/h~5000Nm3/h;该系统优点:具有安全可靠,在线运行时间长,安装维修方便,运行成本低。本系统适用于国内外各种沼气发电机组的前处理要求,如以能源植物发酵产生的沼气、以畜禽粪便发酵产生的沼气、以生活垃圾填埋产生的沼气。Enib Heat Transfer Equipment Co., Ltd. Guangzhou China – ENIB is a professional company for Heat Transfer Equipment designing, manufacturing, sales and service. ENIB was found in year 2005, main products are: PHE which including brazed, detacyaboe spiral, welded and semi-welded, stainless steel type; Tube Heat Exchangers; Aluminum plate-fin heat exchanger; Air Cooler; Charge Air Cooler; Stainless steel plate exchanger. ENIB products are in 8 categories, 12 ranges and more than 70 specification and model. Product meets heat exchange request by under normal liquid – liquid and high temperature, high pressure, corrosive gas and liquid media condition. ENIB was certified by GB/t19001~2000 at Otc. 2005; PHE’s seal pad material was tested by the National Packaging Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center Guangzhou, and testing result meets GB4806.1-1994 (Food with Rubber products and health requirements) standard. ENIB’s main business involves the application of heat transfer equipment in various fields such as electrical, mechanical, metallurgical, petrochemical, food, pharmaceutical, air conditioning, shipping and paper manufacturing. Also ENIB supplies spare parts for various brand of PHE at all kinds of industries, provides whole machine maintenance turnkey projects.
螺旋板式换热器 产品信息




Spiral plate heat exchanger is a kind of effective and energy-saving heat exchange equipment. Has the advantages of small occupation area, convenient installation, low price, high heat transfer efficiency. Widely used in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, pharmaceutical, food processing, city heating and other industries.

Our company has been in the leading domestic level in the manufacture of spiral plate heat exchanger design, in particular, II, III type spiral plate heat exchanger design, manufacturing can be comparable to similar products abroad.

Our company can according to user supplied parameters and conditions of use, for the user selection, design, manufacturing of spiral plate heat exchanger in accordance with the special requirements of users.

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