

  • 公司名称深圳瑞得仪器设备有限公司
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  • 所  在  地深圳市
  • 厂商性质其他
  • 更新时间2024/3/11 22:00:23
  • 访问次数59

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深圳瑞得仪器设备有限公司是为致力于工业控制产品的销售,技术方案的实施而建立的公司。为了更好的在各类应用中,为客户提供高品质的产品,的解决方案,我们不断的进取和努力。  我们发现目前市面上很多企业只是进行产品销售的工作,让客户自行选型,自行寻找方案,自行设计,这造成了浪费和时间的拖延,减少了客户的收益和。基于此我们有志于改进这一现状,从而从本身出发推动行业发展。  我们基于多年Draeger公司检测产品应用经验,多年来和BUHLER,M&C公司合作取得的采样预处理产品经验,以及和世界500强企业多年合作的积累,来进行相关专业产品的销售,同时提供各种适合现场分析仪器的解决方案,设计思路,为客户更好的设计产品,优化产品,完善服务做出努力。  公司同时具有多行业的丰富经验和的现场能力,为客户提供专业的工业自动化和信息自动化技术的解决方案。  我们拥有强壮的团队实力,员工都是行业内人员,涉及市场分析,解决方案分析,机械维修和制造,电子控制等各个方面。  基于以上基础,我们提供有别于其他供应商的服务和销售,更好的解决客户现场遇到的问题和可能会遇到的困难。我们对于此感到骄傲和欣慰,这也真正使得我们客户感到安全和安心。  我们会一直秉承贴近客户,解决问题,在各地区行业不断展现,通过人性化的咨询服务,可靠的点滴服务积累客户的信赖感。感谢您的支持和帮助!
可燃气体探测器 产品信息


Unit is preset at normal sensitivity, but you can switch to high or low. Slow beeping indicates that unit is warmed up. Frequency increases when a leak is detected until an alarm sounds when moving into high gas concentration. The SmartAlarm LED indicates leak size.

If no leak is detected in a suspected area, select high sensitivity. This will detect even low levels in the area. Move the tip over more defined areas, and you will be alerted when the tip encounters the concentration at the leak source.

With ultra-sensitive, long life sensor. Detects all hydrocarbon and other combustible gases including propane, methane, butane, industrial solvents and more.



Unit is preset at normal sensitivity, but you can switch to high or low. Slow beeping indicates that unit is warmed up. Frequency increases when a leak is detected until an alarm sounds when moving into high gas concentration. The illuminated bar graph indicates leak size.

If no leak is detected in a suspected area, select high sensitivity. This will detect even low levels in the area. Move the tip over more defined areas, and you will be alerted when the tip encounters the concentration at the leak source.

  • Ultra-sensitive sensor detects less than 15 ppm methane and better than 12 ppm for propane. Performs equally well on a complete list of detectable gases including acetylene, butane, and isobutane

  • Automatic calibration and zeroing

  • Sensor replacable after full service life

  • SmartAlarm LED shows how big or small a leak is on a scale of 1 to 9

  • 24-month limited warranty (12-month warranty on sensor)

  • Made in the USA

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