
8237-1604 ProTechTPS是一种集成超速保护的安全PLC

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厦门雄霸电子商务有限公司漳州分公司主营(DCS系统)(机器人系统)(大型伺服控制系统)模块备件的销售。公司经营范围:分布式控制系统(DCS)、可编程序控制器(PLC).MOTOROLA MVME工业用模组、工业控制通讯转换器(Anybus)、远端输出/输入模块(RTU)、工业电脑(IPC)、工业用低频萤幕(IPC)、人机界面SCSI(50、68、80Pin)AnyBus(Gateway)。厦门雄霸从事工控行业十几年,现已成一家性的工业自动化备件及零部件的销售企业。我司能直接从境外进货、能够提供不同国别、厂商的设备以及备件、解决您多处寻找的麻烦或对产品质量问题的担心等、在价格上我们有很大的优势。货源优势价格优势售后服务直接从境外进货、能够提供不同国别、厂商的只要您诚心想购买,多少价格我们都可以提供所有配件的]保修期均为3-6个月,质设备以及备件给您。保1年。
每个ProTechTPS模块可通过模块的前面板、Modbus通信端口手动测试,或通过其自动测试程序功能自动测试。ProTechTPS允许用户定期手动或自动配置超速或自定义程序测试。使用这些测试程序,每次测试一个模块(A、B、C ),记录成功的测试结果,或者在检测到故障时,程序停止,检测到的故障被指示/报警。
8237-1604 ProTechTPS是一种集成超速保护的安全PLC 产品信息

产品介绍详情:8237-1604 ProTechTPS是一种集成超速保护的安全PLC


  • ProTechTPS的功能相当于一个安全PLC,因为它每个模块接受10个离散或模拟输入(总共30个),并允许用户创建自定义安全/保护程序,以安全地保护现场人员和设备。程序员能够利用典型的逻辑和测试序列例程来创建他们的应用特定的安全逻辑和测试。


  • 每个ProTechTPS模块可通过模块的前面板、Modbus通信端口手动测试,或通过其自动测试程序功能自动测试。ProTechTPS允许用户定期手动或自动配置超速或自定义程序测试。使用这些测试程序,每次测试一个模块(A、B、C ),记录成功的测试结果,或者在检测到故障时,程序停止,检测到的故障被指示/报警。


  • ProTechTPS的三重模块化设计允许用户在受监控设备/涡轮机在线且正常运行时,轻松更换其中一个模块(A、B、C)。该单元的背板即插即用结构及其模块间学习功能增强了更换的便利性。


  • ProTechTPS日志功能记录(保存到内存中)所有跳闸、报警、跳闸阀响应时间和超速事件。行程记录功能使用滚动缓冲器,将最近50次感应到的行程或报警事件和最近20次超速事件记录到存储器中,并注明相关时间。每个日志文件可以从装置的前面板查看,或通过ProTechTPS服务工具程序下载到计算机。每个模块都利用非易失性存储器来确保保存所有记录的事件,即使在断电时也是如此。


  • 每个ProTechTPS模块都利用实时时钟来确保准确的时间记录。模块之间利用特殊的时间平均功能来确保模块间时钟同步。或者,ProTechTPS的一个输入可以配置为接受来自工厂DCS或其他时间同步设备的离散时钟同步输入信号。


  • 每个模块都包括一个高分辨率4.2英寸(107毫米)彩色显示器和键盘,允许用户本地监控配置设置、状态、系统输入和输出,以及报警、跳闸和超速日志。


  • 可选地,ProTechTPS可以配置为定期执行和超速测试每个模块/跳闸电磁阀,然后记录和报告测试结果。在该测试程序中,每个模块通过使用内部频率发生器模拟超速条件的测试序列进行排序。


  • 可选地,ProTechTPS可以配置为对每个模块/跳闸电磁阀进行常规测试,然后记录和报告测试结果。使用该测试程序,每个模块通过一个编程的测试序列排序,以模拟、测试和记录每个安全事件条件的结果。


  • 可选地,ProTechTPS可以被配置为保护涡轮机免受高加速/减速事件的影响。速度信号的导数用于检测涡轮机加速/减速并发出相关的跳闸命令。


  • 每个模块的速度传感器输入使用特殊的MPU明线检测电路,以在涡轮机运行前验证MPU是否正确连接,以及特殊的速度损失检测逻辑,以在涡轮机运行期间验证MPU功能。


  • 采用特殊的保形涂层材料,在国际标准IEC 721-3-3 1994 -环境等级3C2中对H2S和二氧化硫气体具有优异的长期防护性能。



  • The ProTechTPS functions as a safety PLC, as it accepts 10 discrete or analog inputs per module (30 total), and allows users to create custom safety/protection programs to safely protect site personnel and equipment. Programmers are able to utilize typical logic and testing sequence routines to create their application-specific safety logic and tests.

On-Line Testing

  • Each ProTechTPS module can be tested manually from the module’s front panel, Modbus communications port, or automatically via its auto-test routine function. The ProTechTPS allows users to configure overspeed or custom-programmed tests to be performed manually or automatically on a periodic basis. With these test routines, each module (A, B, C) is tested one at a time, and either a successful test result is logged or, upon sensing a fault, the routine is halted and the sensed fault indicated/alarmed.

On-Line Repair

  • The ProTechTPS’s triple modular design allows users to easily replace one of its modules (A, B, C) while the monitored equipment/turbine is on-line and operating normally. Ease of replacement is enhanced by the unit’s backplane plug-and-operate structure, and its module-to-module learning function.

Trip, Alarm, & Overspeed Logs

  • The ProTechTPS log function logs (saves to memory) all trips, alarms, trip valve response times, and overspeed events. The trip log function uses a scrolling buffer and records the last 50 sensed trip or alarm events and the last 20 overspeed events to memory, with associated times. Each log file can be viewed from the unit’s front panel, or downloaded to a computer via the ProTechTPS service tool program. Each module utilizes nonvolatile memory to ensure that all logged events are saved, even on loss of power.

Real Time Clock

  • Each ProTechTPS module utilizes a real-time-clock to ensure accurate time logging. A special time averaging function is utilized between modules to ensure module-to-module clock synchronization. Alternatively one of the ProTechTPS’s inputs can be configured to accept a discrete clock synchronization input signal from a plant DCS or other time synch device.

High Resolution Displays

  • Each module includes a high resolution 4.2” (107 mm) color display and keypad to allow users to locally monitor configuration settings, statuses, system inputs and outputs, and alarm, trip, and overspeed logs.

Automatic Overspeed Test Routine

  • Optionally, the ProTechTPS can be configured to routinely perform and overspeed test each module/trip solenoid, then log and report the test results. With this test routine, each module is sequenced through its test sequence using an internal frequency generator to emulate an overspeed condition.

Automatic Test Routines

  • Optionally, the ProTechTPS can be configured to routinely perform custom tests of each module/trip solenoid, then log and report the test results. With this test routine, each module is sequenced through a programmed test sequence to simulate, test, and log the results of each safety even condition.

Acceleration/Deceleration Detection

  • Optionally, the ProTechTPS can be configured to protect a turbine from high acceleration/decelertaion events. The derivative of the speed signal is used to detect turbine acceleration/deceleration and issue an associated trip command.

MPU Detection

  • Each module’s speed sensor input uses special MPU open-wire detection circuitry to validate that the MPU is properly connected before turbine operation, and special loss-of-speed detection logic to validate MPU functionality during turbine operation.

Sulfur Contamination Resistant

  • Utilizes special conformal coating material that has demonstrated excellent long-term protection against H2S and SO2 gases at levels classified in international standard IEC 721-3-3 1994 – environment Class 3C2.

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