
1.000-5 LH ACME MOD

  • 公司名称苏州斯托茨机电设备有限公司
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  • 所  在  地苏州市
  • 厂商性质其他
  • 更新时间2024/5/2 9:51:01
  • 访问次数20

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美国Glastonbury Southern Gage于1995年由全美的量规制造商Glastonbury Gage 和 全美历史最悠久的量规制造商Southern Gage合并组建而成。Glastonbury Gage是一个在Pratt Whitney Machine多年的技术员于1964年在美国康涅狄格州(CT)成立。自合并建立以来,GSG快速地持续增加产品的供应,并扩大了产品线。美国Glastonbury Southern Gage产品包括以下几类:美国GSG管螺纹规 Pipe thread gage (BSPT螺纹规、美标NPT crest check plug/crest check ring, ANPT螺纹规、ISO 2000 7-1/7-2)美国GSG石油API螺纹规 API thread gage(LP管线螺纹、BCSG螺纹规、CSG螺纹规、IJ TBG螺纹规、HBPV螺纹规、Sharp Vee螺纹规、TBG螺纹规、IF螺纹规、FH螺纹规、NC螺纹规、Profile Gage牙形样板)美国GSG螺纹塞规Thread Plugs (Tri-Lock螺纹规、Taper Lock螺纹规、Progressive Gage)美国GSG螺纹环规Thread Rings (AGD可调式螺纹环规、solid thread ring固定式螺纹规)美国GSG跳动量仪GSG zero spindles、外圆跳动检查仪美国GSG倒角量规 GSG chamfer Gage、锪孔量规美国GSG锥度量规 Taper Gage、鲁尔塞规、ISO 594/ ISO 8638 fig 3c美国GSG零件标准件Part Masters、气动量仪标准件美国GSG光面塞规 plug gage美国GSG螺纹校准塞规 setting discs美国GSG校准器surveillance Products美国GSG卡规 Snap Gage美国GSG螺纹中径量仪 Tri-Roll Compactors、螺纹中经测量仪、螺纹指示规Sharp Vee螺纹规、VR螺纹规,Sharp Vee螺纹环规,Sharp Vee螺纹塞规、进口VR螺纹环塞规,HBPV螺纹规、HBPV螺纹塞规、Hbpv螺纹环规、BPV螺纹塞规、进口BPV螺纹塞规 苏州斯托茨机电设备有限公司是一家专业的无损检测NDT进口仪器、量具、量规代理商。自2019年成立以来,涉及航空、核工业、汽车动力、石油机械、医疗卫生等领域。本着“诚信经营、合作双赢”的宗旨与法国赛峰、贝克休斯、日月重工、深圳比亚迪、等国际企业建立了良好的合作关系,并取得了客户的认可。公司主要销售美国GSG各类量规,包括美国GSG航空量规、美国GSG石油量规、美国GSG美标可调式螺纹环规等,同时代理销售:Sun-tec硬度块,Clark硬度计,Dorsey孔径量仪,Gagemaker石油螺纹单项仪, SPI通用量具,Rex Gauge邵氏硬度计,Barcor倒角规, ,瑞士Trimos测高仪,意大利Marposs电子柱,美国爱德蒙得进口气动量仪,德国Stotz测量工作站,JBO螺纹规,德国IBR C200电子柱, NIST冲击标准试块,HBPV螺纹塞规,VR螺纹塞规,Sharp Vee,Cameron ball gage,德国Fischer菲希尔仪器, 英国易高Elcometer, 美国GE超声波探伤仪, 奥林巴斯超声波探伤仪, 英国GBIS超声波探头, 美国Spectronics无损检测, 德国Bruker布鲁克光谱仪, 美国赛普斯SCIAPS光谱仪, 美国磁通Magnaflux, Western Instrument仪器, 南通友联无损检测仪器, 瑞士Maurer Magnetic等。公司全体销售技术人员都拥有数年的一线计量、测量实际经验,70%拥有机械、测试本科学历,期待您的光临。 苏州斯托茨机电设备有限公司是美国GSG代理商,负责亚洲地区的销售、售后维护工作,欢迎新老客户前来咨询,苏州斯托茨机电设备有限公司专业生产梯形螺纹环塞规、锯齿形螺纹环塞规、美标Acme螺纹规、美标Stub Acme螺纹规等。同时代理:德国LMW螺纹规、PMC Lone Star石油螺纹规、德国JBO牙规、Hemco Gage镀铬螺纹规、Vermont Gage针规、VTG螺纹规、美国GSG非标螺纹规、Thread check航空螺纹规、 Westport医疗螺纹规、英国Threadmaster惠氏螺纹规、Tru-thread石油螺纹规、Mueller Gage航空沟槽量仪、King硬度计、Sun-tec硬度计、威尔逊硬度计、威尔逊硬度块等。
1.000-5 LH ACME MODACME美标梯形螺纹MOD非标数据螺纹规进口GSG量规货期:6-8周
1.000-5 LH ACME MOD 产品信息

    Glastonbury Southern Gage was formed in 1995 when two of the largest and oldest gage companies, Glastonbury Gage and Southern Gage, were united under one owner. Glastonbury Gage was founded in 1964 in Glastonbury, CT by individuals who had trained at Pratt Whitney Machine. From these beginnings, Glastonbury Gage has continually increased its product offering and services.

Southern Gage was founded in 1955 in Erin, TN as an outgrowth of the Woodward Company. It grew to be a full service gage manufacturer with emphasis on thread gaging. During the 1980’s Southern Gage became known for its educational and training programs on thread form and gaging. In 1995, the owner of Glastonbury Gage purchased Southern Gage from ITW. In March 1999, the GSG Erin operations occupied its new 42,000 square foot state of the art manufacturing facility. It includes 5,000 square feet of laboratory space, temperature and humidity control for the entire plant, CNC thread grinding equipment and a streamlined process work flow.

In July 2001 GSG consolidated customer service and plain cylindrical production to improve deliveries and customer response, while this effort was successful we at GSG continue to find ways of improving delivery and customer service. We intend to build on this platform to offer our customers quality products and services at competitive prices.

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