

  • 公司名称上海博耀生物科技有限公司
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  • 更新时间2016/3/21 16:56:52
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生化部主营:生化试剂、抗体、蛋白/多肽、分子生物学、细胞生物学、Elisa试剂盒、发光试剂盒、培养基、细胞、蛇毒试剂、标准品、 标准溶液……



胎牛血清,特级胎牛血清,优级胎牛血清,Gibco胎牛血清,Hyclone胎牛血清,进口胎牛血清 小牛血清 细胞培养血清


正规Elisa kit,生物试剂,Qiagen,标准溶液,roche,Beckman,invitrogen
别 名 Bcl2 antagonist of cell death; BAD; Bcl-2-binding component 6; Bcl-2-like protein 8; Bcl2-L-8; Bcl-XL/Bcl-2-associated death promoter.
流式标记Anti-Bad抗体,abcam原装现货 产品信息

  Bad is a member of the Bcl2 family and acts to promote apoptosis by forming heterodimers with the survival proteins Bcl2 and BclxL, thus preventing them from binding with BAX. Bad is found on the outer mitochondrial membrane and, once phosphorylated in response to growth stimuli, translocates to the cytoplasm. The phosphorylation status of Bad represents a key checkpoint for death or cell survival. JNK-induced phosphorylation of BAD serine 128 promotes the apoptotic role of Bad by opposing the inhibitory effect of growth factor on Bad-mediated apoptosis. Cdc2-induced phosphorylation of Bad serine 128 has an inhibitory effect on its interaction with 14-3-3 proteins. The latter interaction is critical for Bad phosphorylation at serine 155, a site within the BH3 domain that leads to the release of BclxL and the promotion of cell survival. Alternative splicing of this gene results in two transcript variants which encode the same isoform.
Function : Promotes cell death. Successfully competes for the binding to Bcl-X(L), Bcl-2 and Bcl-W, thereby affecting the level of heterodimerization of these proteins with BAX. Can reverse the death repressor activity of Bcl-X(L), but not that of Bcl-2. Appears to act as a link between growth factor receptor signaling and the apoptotic pathways.
Subunit : Forms heterodimers with the anti-apoptotic proteins, Bcl-X(L), Bcl-2 and Bcl-W. Also binds protein S100A10. The Ser-75/Ser-99 phosphorylated form binds 14-3-3 proteins. Interacts with AKT1 and PIM3.
Subcellular Location : Mitochondrion outer membrane. Cytoplasm. Note=Upon phosphorylation, locates to the cytoplasm.
Tissue Specificity : Expressed in a wide variety of tissues.
Post-translational modifications : Phosphorylated on one or more of Ser-75, Ser-99, Ser-118 andSer-134 in response to survival stimuli, which blocks itspro-apoptotic activity. Phosphorylation on Ser-99 or Ser-75promotes heterodimerization with 14-3-3 proteins. This interactionthen facilitates the phosphorylation at Ser-118, a site within theBH3 motif, leading to the release of Bcl-X(L) and the promotion ofcell survival. Ser-99 is the major site of AKT/PKB phosphorylation, Ser-118 the major site of protein kinase A (CAPK) phosphorylation. Phosphorylation at Ser-99 by PKB/AKT1 is almost compley blockedby the apoptotic C-terminus cleavage product of PKN2 generated bycaspases-3 activity during apoptosis. 
Methylation at Arg-94 and Arg-96 by PRMT1 inhibits Akt-mediated phosphorylation at Ser-99.

Similarity : Belongs to the Bcl-2 family.
Database links : UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: Q92934.3
BAD是BCL2/BAX、BCL-XL/BAX异二聚体的负调节基因。BAD是BCL2/BCL-XL相关死亡促进因子,作为BCL2、 bCL-XL异二聚体伴分子而促进细胞凋亡。

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