公司简介  / ABOUT US

The world of Aerial Work Platform and material handling equipment have globalised. Strong alliances are necessary to tackle and master the challenges. We are bundling our resources to gain joint efficiency advantages.


In recent years, with the steady and rapid development of China's economy, Veedon has taken the Chinese market as the focus of business development. In 2011, Veedon officially entered the Chinese market and established Veedon (Shanghai) machinery equipment Co., Ltd. its headquarters in Shanghai. As a pioneer in China's regional market, Veedon has become a well-deserved leader in the fields of high-altitude operation lifting platform and material handling equipment. We strive to integrate exquisite German technology and Chinese humanistic concepts, aiming at providing customers with first-class equipment and services, and at the same time to establish a harmonious, courteous, honest and win-win relationship with customers.


With a strong hurricane of the world, China's booming, Veedon has strong comprehensive long-term stable development in the fierce market competition, but also ensures that users enjoy the superior functions and high-quality services of our products, get a smarter opportunity cost at the same time.


Veedon in accordance with the high standard of German machinery manufacturing requirements in the industry to establish a high quality, professional brand service, to improve the material handling equipment as its own responsibility, with high quality and efficient product supply and customer first concept of operation, to build an excellent brand image in the Chinese field. With the continuous innovation and development of the enterprise, we not only have a perfect distribution system, but also the internal high-quality professional team to market each year with advanced market concepts and new functions of leading products, more committed to intelligent mechanical equipment innovation and development and promotion.


Regardless of your needs, we are dedicated to provide you with professional solutions and quality services, in order to improve your business value and efficiency.


Our aim is "quality first, service oriented" and pursuiting perfect products return to the society.








We offer more than just height !

工商信息Business information
经营状态 存续 天眼评分


注册资本 1339.88万人民币 人员规模 小于50人
实缴资本 158万人民币 工商注册号 310116002416874 组织机构代码 57740694-5
统一社会信用代码 913101165774069456 纳税人识别号 913101165774069456 营业期限
企业类型 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) 行业 专用设备制造业 核准日期
参保人数 1 登记机关 闵行区市场监督管理局
曾用名 英文别称
注册地址 上海市闵行区平阳路258号1层
经营范围 许可项目:各类工程建设活动;建筑智能化系统设计;货物进出口;技术进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准)一般项目:建筑工程用机械制造;金属加工机械制造;新能源原动设备制造;机械零件、零部件加工;通用设备制造(不含特种设备制造);专用设备制造(不含许可类专业设备制造);专用设备修理;通用设备修理;专业设计服务;特种设备销售;城市轨道交通设备制造;轨道交通专用设备、关键系统及部件销售;智能仓储装备销售;环境保护专用设备销售;机械设备销售;办公设备销售;模具销售;机械零件、零部件销售;金属材料销售;建筑材料销售;化工产品销售(不含许可类化工产品);基础化学原料制造(不含危险化学品等许可类化学品的制造);照明器具销售;电子元器件零售;劳动保护用品销售;普通机械设备安装服务;机械设备租赁;技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)
股东信息Shareholder information
序号 股东(发起人) 持股比例 认缴出资额 认缴出资日期
70% 937.916万元 2049-05-10
30% 401.964万元 2049-05-10
专利信息Patent Information
序号 申请日 专利名称 专利类型 申请号 公开(公布)号 公开(公告)日




资质证书qualification certificate
证书图片 名称 发证机构 生效日期 截止日期  
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