

2024年02月03日 08:30来源:河北光科测控设备有限公司 >>进入该公司展台人气:12

The radar level meter emits and receives extremely short microwaves with low power through an antenna system. Radar waves travel at the speed of light. The running time can be converted into level signals through electronic components. A special time extension method can ensure stable and accurate measurements in an extremely short period of time. Even in the presence of false reflections, the latest microprocessing techniques and software can accurately analyze the level echoes. By inputting the container size, the distance value above can be converted into a signal proportional to the level of the object. The instrument can be debugged empty. The application in solid-state measurement can use high-frequency sensors in the K-band. Due to the excellent focusing effect of the signal, the installation materials inside the silo or the adhesion of the silo wall will not affect the measurement.
Guided wave radar level meter
The microwave pulse of the guided wave radar level meter runs along a cable, rod, or coaxial sleeve containing a rod. When it comes into contact with the measured medium, the microwave pulse is reflected back and received by electronic components, and its operating time is analyzed and calculated. The microprocessor recognizes the level echo, analyzes and calculates it, and converts it into a level signal to provide. Due to the simple measurement principle, it can be adjusted without material, thus saving a lot of debugging costs. The measuring cable or rod can be shortened to make it more suitable for on-site applications. Not sensitive to steam, even in conditions of strong smoke, noise, and steam
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