
Data Dynamics Analysis2

  • 公司名称上海道宁信息科技有限公司
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  • 更新时间2021/9/16 12:49:27
  • 访问次数130

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上海道宁信息科技有限公司是一家专业从事软件构件销售,软件构件化技术咨询,软件构件化应用和开发的高科技公司。公司自成立以来,已经与国内外众多控件开发商建立了长期稳定的合作关系,是众多商家在中国大陆地区的经销商,同时我们也是上海科委下国家八六三项目“上海构件库”的战略合作伙伴。在公司全体同仁的共同努力下,我们已经成为目前中国有影响力的构件与中间件分销商之一,有着广泛的客户基础和良好的合作信誉。公司的产品包括上百种经过严格专业测试的主打产品以及上千种涵盖各种开发语言和平台、在市场中*的产品,数以千 计的项目经理和开发人员使用着我们推荐的开发工具,成功的控制了项目进度,节省了时间和资金投入。公司拥有的技术支持和*团队,在构件领域积累了多年的丰富经验,并与国内外众多的构件开发商有长期的技术合作往 来,能够为客户提供构件解决方案和完善的技术咨询与支持服务。
Data Dynamics Analysis 产品编号:141623 当前版本:Beta 3 开 发 商:Data Dynamics 产品类型:独立控件 产品功能:甘特图 / XML分析 / 数......
Data Dynamics Analysis2 产品信息
  • Data Dynamics Analysis is a user interface component for use in Windows Forms and ASP.NET Web applications that facilitates interactive data analysis and exploration of relational and multidimensional data sources with simple drag-and-drop operations. As an interactive visual analysis tool, Data Dynamics Analysis allows developers to embed cutting edge data visualization functionality directly into their applications. Through feature-rich charts and pivot tables, raw data can be transformed into a powerful, user friendly visual experience.

    特征综述 About Feature

    Visual analysis is a rather new concept in today's business world. Standard data analysis has been around for years. However, the tools that are required for analyzing data are either too expensive or too complex to learn and use. Developers need a tool that enables ad-hoc querying without requiring their users to have extensive knowledge of querying languages. This tool also needs to be easy to use and inexpensive for both the developer and their users. That tool is now available!

      Data Dynamics Analysis is designed to allow users to ask questions about their data and find the answers, period. Every data set tells its own story; Data Dynamics Analysis allows you to presents that story to your users visually. Users are able to analyze their data at the speed of thought. As each question is answered, new insight is discovered that would have otherwise been hidden deep within data forever.

      Developers have the option of creating Windows Forms or Ajax enabled web applications, for Data Dynamics Analysis provides a component for both types of applications. Any layouts that you create in one are able to be displayed in the other. So, for example, if a web user creates a layout that shows some great insight to important underlying data, they could easily share that layout file with a Windows Forms application running Data Dynamics Analysis. The key to sharing this analysis solution across the windows / web boundary is by defining the schema. A schema defines the connection settings as well as the hierarchies, key performance indicators, measures, attributes, and dimensions. Once a schema has been defined, the developer can share this schema across multiple applications.

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