
Dynamic C®

  • 公司名称山东茂嘉互通物联科技有限公司
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  • 更新时间2022/2/23 9:10:04
  • 访问次数128

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The Dynamic C integrated development environment reduces the time and effort to write real-time software for embedded systems that use a Rabbit microprocessor enabling easy development of a wide range......
Dynamic C® 产品信息

The Dynamic C® integrated development environment reduces the time and effort to write real-time software for embedded systems that use a Rabbit® microprocessor enabling easy development of a wide range of applications.

Rabbit integrates editing, compiling, linking, loading, and debugging into a single development environment as one function. All of the elements work together to give you a seamless environment, with no worries about compatibility moving from one stage to another. Once your design is complete you can debug it on the target hardware and see how your code works. Because it is a dialect of C, the Dynamic C language has all the statements and constructions of traditional C, plus extensions that make it easier to write reliable, real-time multitasking software.

The following are some extensions of Dynamic C:

CostatementsSimplify the implementation of state machines
Function ChainingControl flow mechanism that allows callable segments of code to be embedded within one or more functions
CofunctionsAllow cooperative processes to be implemented in a single program
Slice StatementsEnable preemptive processes in a single program

Remote Device Management
The iDigi platform is fully integrated in Dynamic C allowing easier access to remote devices and an easy interface for remote firmware updates. iDigi Manager Pro datasheet

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