

2024年03月25日 07:32来源:北京尚丰祥食品机械有限公司 >>进入该公司展台人气:23

As a core component of a restaurant, I trust many people about the central kitchen is also very concerned, and if we want to make this part play a better effect in the later stage, we still need to do more perfect in the early design process. In this regard, let's take a detailed look at what details should be considered in the design of central kitchen equipment.
For a kitchen, in fact, it is very important to deal with the smoke exhaust problem well. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the arrangement and layout of the smoke exhaust system in the process of central kitchen design, because once this detail is not handled well, it is likely to face larger problems and hidden dangers in the later stage.
In addition, in fact, in the process of central kitchen equipment design, we also need to consider the problem of material selection. We must know how to choose materials that are easy to clean up and are not easy to be stained. I believe you all know that kitchen fume and other problems are relatively serious, and over time, these problems will be exposed, and its direct performance is some facilities And the ground looks very dirty, so it's important to choose good materials.
Of course, for the safety of the whole central kitchen and other details, we must pay attention to in the process of central kitchen design. After all, the kitchen is still a relatively large potential risk area, and if there is no good security in terms of security, it is still more dangerous. After all, it is very important to ensure personal safety at any time.
After reading the above introduction, I believe that you will have a new understanding of the details of the central kitchen equipment design, and if you also have some design requirements, you must know how to operate in strict accordance with the relevant precautions, so that we can get a perfect central kitchen.
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